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Whether President Biden Stays in the Race, and I Believe He Should, Trump Must Never Again Hold Any Office, Let Alone President of the United States of America

If this debate was about performative beauty, of course Joe Biden lost. But we Americans need to look deep down inside to ask ourselves, is this how we judge our President? True, he’s old, he stutters, he was sick and his throat froggy, but he still understands the issues and does the right thing. My take is the same as Kamala Harris’s: We should judge Joe Biden on the last three and a half years and not the last 1 and a half hours. I won’t go into the lengthy litany of all the great things he has done for the country, because we all know how great and numerous they have been.

I don’t think he should step down just because of last night’s performance. I would think differently, and it would be a different story if he takes a thorough self-assessment and concludes that he wouldn’t be able to cope with the demands of the job, or be able to make good, well thought out decisions for the country. Should he have that conversation with himself and his wife and children? Yes. But until he does and reaches the conclusion that it would be better to step down, then we must, as Gavin Newsom implored us last night, have his back.

If Joe decides to stay, I’m with him. If he decides to step down, I will be with whoever that turns out to be. If a change is to be made though, it must be made fast. Delays will ensure Trump is elected.

And now, what of Trump? It is roundly agreed that he was a machine gun of lies last night. Just because we expect that of him, should he be allowed to get away with that? No, of course not! Indeed, it seems the people most turned off by it are the heretofore undecideds who were taken aback by his river of lies. The rest of us are inured to it. We shouldn’t be and neither should the press. They need to not just report it but show the outrage it deserves. He lies as he breathes. He must never be in any position of power again. He should be in prison.

What are we going to let this country become? Now is the time for good men and women to stand up for their country and their children and grandchildren’s future. Take a stand and support the future of democracy in our country.

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